The Light Source Center offers group meditations open to anyone who wants to participate in a community effort of sending and receiving Light. These meditations are powerful opportunities to experience wonderful energy and connect to others. At the Light Source Center each meditation is followed by an opportunity to share your experience. Sharing not only helps ground the experience but in listening to others we open up even more avenues for growth and learning. These group meditations are not a substitute for classes, but they can be places of growth.
These meditations are $15. They occur Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Register here.
The Light Source Center offers group meditations open to anyone who wants to participate in a community effort of sending and receiving Light. These meditations are powerful opportunities to experience wonderful energy and connect to others. At the Light Source Center each meditation is followed by an opportunity to share your experience. Sharing not only helps ground the experience but in listening to others we open up even more avenues for growth and learning. These group meditations are not a substitute for classes, but they can be places of growth.
These meditations are $15. They occur Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Register here.