Beyond The Vision Board

Consciously Creating Your Life

Energize yourself and consciously create the new year by going beyond the obvious and tapping into the idea of infinite possibilities. The Light Source Center will be hosting a Beyond the Vision Board Workshop Saturday, January 13, to kick off 2024. This event is going to be magical — can you imagine that?

The full-day workshop offers the space for you to explore where you are in your life, what matters most to you and understand what you want to create. You will make your own vision board while guided through a series of meditations and exercises to help you concentrate your creative energies in a way that feels empowering to you.

What you can experience in this workshop:

Energy: An opportunity to learn about the Light through guided meditations and exercises to go beyond the goal-based thinking of a typical vision board experience.

Clarity: Find your own truth and envision what you want to create.

Inspiration: A space filled with compassion, positive energy and like-hearted people.

Creation: The time and tools to craft a vision board that honors you.

Beyond the Vision Board is open to anyone interested in exploring what is possible when we create our lives by using Light and Love.

Space is limited and registration is required.

Beyond the Vision Board will be held four times a year and is a full-day workshop from 10 am to 5 pm. Participants will have time for lunch and are welcome to bring lunch and stay at the Light Source Center or leave to get lunch in the area.

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